Sunday, 5 February 2012

trip to Margate

Once I had decided on my brief I went back home for the weekend as I live in Kent and it would be easier and quicker to get to Margate from there.  So I set off early doors on Sunday with my girlfriend and headed to Margate to familiarised with the place as well as venturing around the town to places I had not been to. Wile walking around it was quick to notice that a lot of the town was full of closed down shops and boarded up and appeared to of been left to rot. And many of the places I remember as a kid have either been knocked down or boarded up. So on my travels I was taking a lot of photos to record the extent of the issue but as well as just taking photos I decided to produce a few on site sketches with my brush pen, I decided to draw a variety of different places showing some closed down shops, the closed down and abandoned theme park and deserted beach. I think that by using this type of media to produce these images it gives them a very cold, dark and ghostly feeling.

After we had taken pictures and been everywhere in Margate we decided to drive to its neighbouring town of Ramsgate to get lunch. We thought while we were in Ramsgate we might as well have a look around the town and beach. On the seafront where they are building a new hotel they have boarded it off and on these boards were a selection of pieces of art which consisted of images of Ramsgate and other seaside based things which I was greatly inspired by.

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