Saturday, 4 February 2012

Last Project

For my previous project i chose to do editorial illustration which was based on issues in working class society. I started off by listing issues in working class society and then finding news articles for each of these, the topics i chose where consisted of homeless people, drug addiction, unemployment and knife crime. I used a variety of medias and techniques through the project but in particularly Lino cuts and stencils with a limited colour pallet. I was pleased with the out comes of my final pieces but if i was to do it again i would be a bit more strict on myself and set my self a size limit for each of the pieces so they linked together or so i could incorporate them within the text of the articles.  My reasons for choosing to do issues in working class society was that some of these issues occur where i live and some of my friends have been affected by them, and i think its because of these reasons that i got more stuck in and involved in some briefs than others so if i was to do it again i would want to apply the same enthusiasm to all of the topics.

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