Friday, 18 May 2012

poster 3

During my work in progress session with Ceri she said that I needed to do more development work on the composition like I have been doing with the font for my posters. So in this week I spent a lot of time playing with different types of font and then the composition. As I was still confused and a bit thrown off by what Ceri had said I should do I was starting to get my self into a right panic so I went to get another opinion so went and spoke to Derek again. He said I should take on board what she had said but not to think too much into it and worry my self about it.  My reasons for this was that I had a song in mind that I wanted to use in the poster but the words were sung in the same tone with the exception on the last word. The song I’m using is ‘sittin on the dock of the bay’, by Otis Redding. So I decided to approach it the same way as the last one and have different pieces of lino that make up the final image. 

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